The Holy Cross, surrounded by Saint Sebastian, Saint Roch, and Saint John Nepomuk, and (above) the appearance of the… Image from public domain licenseSaint Sebastian and Saint Roch as plague saints and martyrs. Coloured engraving by J.E. Belling. Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch and Saint Laurence. Oil painting by Benvenuto Tisi, il Garofalo. Image from public domain licenseThe Virgin with Christ Child, the Archangel Michael and the plague saints, Saint Christopher, Saint Anthony Abbot, Saint… Image from public domain licenseGod the Father and Saint Sebastian with Saint Roch. Reproduction of a painting. Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch attending the plague-victims in a lazaretto. Oil painting after Jacopo Robusti, il Tintoretto. Image from public domain licenseThe Virgin of Succour venerated in the Sanctuary in the Borgo San Pietro at Bologna, appears above the town and is asked by… Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch attending the plague-victims in a lazaretto. Oil painting after Jacopo Robusti, il Tintoretto. Image from public domain licenseThe Holy Cross with Saint Sebastian, Saint Roch and Saint John Nepomuk, serving as an amulet against plagues, witchcraft… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licenseSaint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) being crowned by angels, with the Christ Child and Saint Dominic Guzman with Saint Roch.… Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch and the angel. Oil painting by a Lombard painter, 17th century, after Alessandro Bonvicino, il Moretto. Image from public domain licenseMartyrdom of Saint Roch. Reproduction of drawing by B. Lanini. Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch, Saint Sebastian, a male saint, Saint Peter the Apostle and Saint John the Baptist with angels above. Engraving… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch dispensing charity. Etching, 1610, after Annibale Carracci. Image from public domain licenseSpells against plague and witchcraft with Saint Sebastian and Saint Roch (left); Saint John Nepomucen (right). Etching. Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch attending the plague-victims in a lazaretto. Oil painting after Jacopo Robusti, il Tintoretto. Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch, named by Christ as patron of plague-victims; below, people suffering from plague. Engraving by P. Pontius, 1626… Image from public domain licenseA wooden collection box for the benefit of plague victims, carved in low relief with the figure of Saint Roch as a pilgrim.… Image from public domain licenseThe church of Saint Charles Borromeo (Karlskirche) and the chapel of Saint Roch, Vienna. Engraving by J.A. Corvinus after S.… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licenseSaint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint Gaetano, Saint Roch, Saint Martha, and Saint Januarius with… Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch: he is thrown into prison. Colour etching by V. Vangelisti after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino. Image from public domain licenseSaint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint Gaetano, Saint Roch, Saint Martha, and Saint Januarius with… Image from public domain licenseThe Virgin and Child with Saint Sebastian, Saint Roch and Saint Geminianus. Lithograph by F. Hanfstaengl, 1835, after A.… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licenseSaint Nicholas and Saint Roch invoking the help of the Virgin to stay the plague. Etching after P. Testa. Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch interceding with Christ for the plague victims in a lazaretto. Engraving by G.[] Audran after Sir P.P. Rubens. Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch with his dog, indicating a plague bubo on his groin. Line engraving by PL after B. Passarotti, ca. 1580. Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch and Saint Laurence. Oil painting by Benvenuto Tisi, il Garofalo. Image from public domain licenseSaint Nicholas and Saint Roch invoking the help of the Virgin to stay the plague. Etching by P. Testa. Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch. Engraving by A.L. Romanet after Annibale Carracci. Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch. Engraving by F. Brizio, ca. 1602, after G.F.M. Mazzola, il Parmigianino. Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch dispensing charity. Etching after Annibale Carracci. Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licensePredella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint… Image from public domain licenseSaint Roch and the angel. Oil painting by a Lombard painter, 17th century, after Alessandro Bonvicino, il Moretto. Image from public domain license